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Admission to Unimore, Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Admission procedure and requirements depend on which programme you are interested in.


Bachelor's degree (Laurea) and Single Cycle Master's degree (Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico)
To join a Bachelor's degree or Single-Cycle Master's degree you must have a five-year high school diploma (as an Italian qualification) or a certificate testifying the successful completition of a period of schooling of at least 12 years (as a foreign qualification). Some degree programmes have limited access and entry is determined by passing a competitive examination.
Single Cycle Master's degree in Medicine
To join the six year single-cycle master's degree programmes in Medicine and Surgery and in School of Dental Medicine you must have a five-year high school diploma (as an Italian qualification) or a certificate testifying the successful completition of a period of schooling of at least 12 years (as a foreign qualification). Both degree programmes have limited access and entry is determined by passing a competitive examination. Admission procedures to these programmes are specified each year by the Ministry of Education University and Research (MIUR).
Master's degree (Laurea Magistrale)
To join a master's degree programme you must have a bachelor's degree. A Commission for each programme will evaluate whether your bachelor's degree fulfils all the requirements necessary for enrolment. In addition the Commission will evaluate whether you have the necessary complementary skills to be admitted to the master’s degree course.
Post Graduate studies
Unimore offers postgraduates opportunities for advanced study and research in a wide range of disciplinary fields. They include:
  • Doctoral research programmes
    To join a doctoral research programme you must have a Master's degree. Admission is based on an examination. A call for applications to the PhD Programmes is published every year in June.
  • Specialisation schools
    To join a specialisation school you must have a master's degree. Admission is based on an examination. A call for applications is published every year in summer.
  • Short masters programmes
    These programmes have their own regulations and admission procedures.