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Unimore Life

Unimore's administrative, teaching and research structures are mainly located in the two cities of Modena and Reggio Emilia in the Emilia Romagna region; there is an educational center in the city of Carpi (Modena), and one in Mantua in Lombardy.

Modena is a friendly city, with an interesting history and plenty of modern creations, where visitors can discover ancient flavours and music on the city theatres. The historical centre recalls the greatness of the House of Este, thanks to whom Modena became State Capital from the end of the sixteenth-century to 1859. The emblem of all this magnificence is Palazzo Ducale, designed by the architect Avanzini on which other architects also worked, including Vigarani and Soli. Since the Unification of Italy, this building has been home to the prestigious Military Academy. Nowadays, it is famous for its gastronomy, its quality of life, the internationally famous Ferrari car factory and the related museums, as well as for being the birth place of Luciano Pavarotti.

Reggio Emilia, also known as the Tricolour town (Città del Tricolore), because it was here that the future Italian flag was adopted for the first time in 1797, has a long history: in the 11th century, the town was at the heart of Matilda's county, her castle stands in the neighbouring territory. Later, important figures marked its Renaissance, ranging from Boiardo to Ariosto, the great poet of Orlando Furioso. Nowadays, famous for its gastronomy, its quality of life and the "best kindergartens in the world", Reggio is also a city of art, whose symbols are the seventeenth-century Basilica della Ghiara and the famous Teatro Municipale. Contemporary landmarks are visible, for those driving along the A1 motorway, in the bridges designed by architect Santiago Calatrava for the Alta Velocità (High Speed) track.

Living Expenses

The cost of living in Modena or Reggio Emilia is comparable to other towns in Northern Italy.

As a general guide we estimate that you will need to allow approximately €7,000-€8,000 a year to cover your living costs (that is the cost of your accommodation and utility bills, food, clothing, transport, study costs, entertainment and insurance, but not your tuition fees). However, the actual cost will depend on the lifestyle that you lead.

  • Average cost for a private room: € 300/month
  • City bus ticket: € 1.50 (1 trip = 75 minutes)
  • Meal in a pizzeria: about € 15.00
  • Breakfast at a local bar (cappuccino and croissant): about € 2.50
  • Meal in a café (sandwich and drink): about € 5.00
  • Cinema ticket: € 7.50 (some discounts are offered on weekdays).