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Sports facilities

The University Sports Center, Centro Universitario Sportivo (CUS), in Modena organizes various sports activities for university students and professors.

CUS - Centro Universitario Sportivo
161 Via G. Campi - 41100 Modena
tel. 059 374440 - fax 059 270116

In the city of Modena alone there are over 500 facilities for a wide range of sports, from swimming to soccer. Recently, a new state-of-the-art rugby stadium was opened in the city (, and continues to capture the imagination of the most avid sports fans in Italy. Reggio Emilia boasts numerous facilities for all kinds of sports, such as swimming, tennis and rugby, to name a few.

More information on sports activities can also be found in the web sites of local sports promotion agencies such as Uisp and Csi.