Degree Structure at Unimore

The Italian university system
The Italian university system is divided into three sequential cycles. It also adopts the ECTS [European Credit Transfer System] to estimate the study commitment necessary to achieve each cycle. ECTS is based on a system of credits and procedures widely accepted within Europe. One credit corresponds to 25 hours of student work, including lectures and individual study. Sixty (60) credits measure the workload of a full-time student during one academic year. Credits are awarded to students who have passed an examination. In the Italian grading system the minimum pass mark is 18 out of 30 points and the top mark is 30 cum laude. The final degree mark ranges from 66 to 110 points cum laude.
First cycle
A first-cycle degree programme (called Laurea Triennale) leads to a Bachelor-level degree that
lasts 3 academic years, each of which requires 60 credits for a total of 180 credits.
To join a first-cycle degree programme you must have a secondary school diploma
or comparable foreign qualification.
Some programmes have limited access and entry is determined by passing a competitive examination.
Second cycle
A second-cycle degree programme (called Laurea Magistrale) leads to a Master-level degree that lasts
2 academic years, for a total 120 credits.
To join a second-cycle degree programme you must have a first-cycle degree
either from an Italian university or from a recognised foreign one.
Some programmes have limited access and entry is determined by passing a competitive examination.
Single-cycle master's degree programmes
Some programmes leading to a Master-level degree last longer: they start at undergraduate level and take 5 or 6 years to complete. These are called Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico (single-cycle master's degree programmes). Students have to acquire 300 or 360 credits in 5 or 6 academic years, depending on the requirements of the specific programme.
Third cycle
A third-cycle level of study includes advanced scientific programmes: Doctoral research programmes (called Dottorato di ricerca) last 3 academic years; Specialization schools (called Scuola di specializzazione) last from 2 to 6 academic years, depending on the field. Entry requirements to these programmes are specified each year in a "Bando di concorso".
Short master programmes
Unimore offers a number of short master programmes, intended for those
who have already held a first-cycle or second-cycle degree.
These are called Corso di Perfezionamento (Short professional programme),
Master di I livello (Vocational Master Programme) and Master di II livello
(Advanced Master Programme).
These programmes are generally of a vocational nature (in which case they often require students
to undertake an internship) or aim at providing highly specialised knowledge about a given subject.
At the end of a short master programme students are awarded a Vocational or Advanced Master Diploma.
These qualifications are not equivalent to a Master Degree and do not give access to a doctoral programme.