Statute of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

TITLE III - University facilities

Art. 39 - Specialisation Schools

  1. Specialisation Schools are established, activated and suppressed by the Board of Directors, with the opinion of the Academic Senate, on proposal of the Departments concerned. The Director of the School remains in office for three years, renewable consecutively once.
  2. Pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 3 of the Ministerial Decree of 1 August 2005 and subsequent amendments, the Management of the Schools in the health area is entrusted to a full professor of the scientific disciplinary sector of reference of the School. In case of multiple Scientific Disciplinary Sectors of reference, the Management of the Specialisation School is entrusted to a full professor of one of the sectors included in the specific area of the School type.
  3. The functioning and organisation of the training activities of the Specialisation Schools, also merged with other Universities, are governed by current legislation, by specific ministerial provisions regarding Specialisation Schools, by regional Memoranda of Understanding referred to in Legislative Decree 30 December 1992, n. 502 and subsequent amendments as well as by the related Implementing Agreements, by Agreements with merged Universities and by the University regulatory provisions.

« Art. 38 | Art. 39 | Art. 40 »