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Technology / Bachelor's degree programme
Technologies for the Smart Industry

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaTechnology
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Programmato Limited access, see call for applications
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Call for applicationGraduatoria di ammissione al I anno del corso di laurea professionalizzante in TECNOLOGIE PER L'INDUSTRIA INTELLIGENTE - a.a. 2024/2025
Extract of the Call for applications to the Bachelor's Degree Programme in TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE SMART INDUSTRY
Bando per l'ammissione al corso di laurea ad orientamento professionale in Tecnologie per l'industria intelligente

The course is managed by the Department of Sciences and Method for Engineering


Better known as Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution is a developing environment leading to the achievement of fully automated and interconnected industrial production processes. Such interconnection requires high-qualified trained technicians, with high-profile skills in the fields of mechanics, electronics, control, information technology and their mutual integration. These technicians must be able to work in corporate environments and professional associations, who in turns provide services and advice to the players of the production system, to face the challenge of the fourth industrial revolution.

Programme contents

The job-oriented degree programme in Technologies for the Smart Industry has therefore been fully designed to provide students with methods and techniques that help them address the challenges relating to the new technologies commonly used in smart factories of Industry 4.0. In fact, the training programme offered integrates the theoretical basic knowledge of engineering distinctive subjects with the practical development of such methodologies in laboratories, and their variations in corporate structures through training internships. The knowledge provided to students involves the disciplines of Electronics, Mechanics, Information Technology and Automation, which are sided by cross-cutting skills relating to modern technologies, and complex-problem solving, as well as fundamental skills in basic subjects such as Mathematics and Physics.

Job opportunities

- Graduate technician in the technical office for the manufacturing of innovative machines and mechatronic systems: graduates may work in companies dealing with the machine and system manufacturing for different productive sectors. As graduate technicians, graduates will carry out design tasks in the technical office, with the purpose of improving the existing products. Specifically, you will be able to work in manufacturing companies in the mechanical, mechatronic and hydraulics sectors, - Graduate technician in the technical department for the development of automation systems for the industry: graduates may work in companies that produce automation systems and services for industry, such as machines for industrial automation, systems for automated logistics, and systems for production control automation. Specifically, you will be able to work in manufacturing companies in the mechanical and mechatronic sector, logistics companies, and industrial automation companies, - Graduate technician for the management of systems and services for smart industries: graduates may work as advisors in defining and managing complex systems that are typical of Industry 4.0 and innovative production systems. Specifically, you will be able to work within manufacturing and service companies, consulting firms, freelancers, - Freelance professionals registered in the Association of Graduate Industrial Technicians.

More information

Course Director:
prof. Cristian Secchi
tel. 0522 523527
Tutoring delegate:
prof. Claudio Giberti
tel. 0522 52 2632