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Social Sciences and Humanities / Bachelor's degree programme
Contemporary History and Cultures

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaSocial Sciences and Humanities
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Access rules (in italian)Information for enrolment to the Bachelor's Degree Programme in CONTEMPORARY HISTORY AND CULTURES - Academic Year 2024-2025
Istruzioni e adempimenti per l'immatricolazione al corso di laurea in STORIA E CULTURE CONTEMPORANEE (SCC) - Anno Accademico 2024-25

The course is managed by the Department of Studies on Language and Culture


The degree programme provides theoretical, methodological and basic knowledge in history, philosophy, anthropology, sociology and also in other disciplines (literature, art, digital humanities, economics, geography). It also provides critical tools for getting to know today's contemporary world and fostering dialogue between different forms of culture and different cultures. What are the relations behind the different cultures and between the expressions of a same culture? How did the ideas, social forms and ways of life featuring the globalised world take shape and how have they changed over time? Answering these questions needs an interdisciplinary approach, in which history interacts with human sciences. The main training objective consists in acquiring a plurality of methods of investigation of contemporary cultures within a broad and up-to-date historical and humanistic framework. We want to enable students to acquire a plurality of knowledge and methods that will allow them to face even very different issues; so they will be able to seize opportunities and confront each other (cultures, values, ways of thinking). We want to encourage them to develop their potential and their critical approach in several directions.

Programme contents

The programme offers a solid common interdisciplinary basis in the first two years and two different optional specialisation paths in the third year: one historical-philosophical, the other more socio- anthropological. This setup allows for a deeper historical education and more conscious access to anthropological, philosophical and sociological problems and phenomena. For critical actions on the present, knowing how today's world has developed is indeed essential.

Job opportunities

Our graduates find work in cultural centres and institutions, libraries, archives, international, governmental and non-governmental organisations; publishing houses and newspaper editors; social and intercultural mediation services, digital humanities enterprises; cultural services and cultural tourism agencies. The most relevant aspect is the acquisition of skills that may be used in multiple fields. In fact, training in humanities fosters openness to the world.

More information

Course Director:
prof.ssa Elisa Rossi
tel. 059 2055914
Tutoring delegate:
prof.ssa Elisabetta Menetti
tel. 059 2055904