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Social Sciences and Humanities / Bachelor's degree programme
Digital Education

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaSocial Sciences and Humanities
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Also offered through distance learning (blended course)
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Access rules (in italian)Information for enrolment to the Bachelor's Degree Programme in DIGITAL EDUCATION
Istruzioni e adempimenti per l'immatricolazione al corso di laurea in DIGITAL EDUCATION

The course is managed by the Surgical, Medical and Dental Department of Morphological Sciences related to Transplant, Oncology and Regenerative Medicine


The Degree Programme provides students with the theoretical knowledge and develops the practical skills needed to operate in digital educational and training contexts. The unifying trait is the particular attention paid both to the use of new technologies for learning - in a purely instrumental reference but, above all, in an adequate methodological, planning and teaching framework - in training contexts and the attention to education (and to re-education) to the so-called 'digital citizenship' and to support rebalancing interventions in the field of digital addiction. Attention is paid to training processes in the social/health fields. From the 2020/21 academic year, the degree programme is hinged on the Department of Medicine and Surgery to ensure greater scientific and experimental solidity and a direct connection between educational processes and the well-being of individuals, groups and society as well as a characterisation of at least two addresses in the psycho-social- health field. In addition, the crisis of the training and educational systems generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the absolute need for professionalism and skills in the field of training, teaching and education mediated by technologies.

Programme contents

The training offer is based on a common programme, later divided into 3 job-oriented curricula that will share the methodological-disciplinary basis indicated in the common programme and that will differ in relation to the distinct features of the skill profile and employment opportunities that enhance the peculiarities of the 36 professional figure leaving the university, based on the contexts in which it operates. At the end of the programme, a job-oriented internship is provided for in organisations, institutions and companies operating - for various reasons - in the different fields of training, education, and teaching.

Job opportunities

This innovative Degree Programme trains students to properly operate in the educational and training digital contexts, with specific reference to the continuous training in the medical area. In addition, as it is a class L-19 degree programme, it allows students to obtain the Qualification of Social-Pedagogical Professional Educator. The 3 curricula form the following professional figures: - Instructional Designer in Digital Contexts, - Psycho-social educator in digital contexts, - Digital educator in social and President of the Degree Programme prof. Tommaso Minerva tel. 0522 523679 Tutoring delegate Annamaria De Santis, Katia Sannicandro, Claudia Bellini, www.digitaleducation.unimore.ithealth contexts.

More information

Course Director:
prof. Tommaso Minerva
tel. 0522 523679
Tutoring delegate:
dott.ssa Annamaria De Santis,
dott.ssa Katia Sannicandro,
dott.ssa Claudia Bellini,