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Social Sciences and Humanities / Bachelor's degree programme
Data Analytics for business and finance

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaSocial Sciences and Humanities
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Access rules (in italian)Information for enrolment to the Bachelor's Degree Programme in DATA ANALYTICS FOR BUSINESS AND FINANCE
Istruzioni e adempimenti per l'immatricolazione al corso di laurea in ANALISI DEI DATI PER L'IMPRESA E LA FINANZA

The course is managed by the Department of Communication and Economics


In public and private organisations and companies, the need to anchor economic decisions and management models to structured databases which are at the same time functional to the definition of strategic objectives and a tool for monitoring project performance is now pervasive. It therefore becomes essential, in the current economic, social and institutional context, to train professionals that are capable of managing, increasing and enhancing the information assets of organisations and businesses.

Programme contents

The degree programme organises skills on four technological-scientific areas, for the analysis and management of data, always interpreted in application contexts related to strategic and managerial decisions of companies. The teachings of the Data Engineering area provide basic theoretical and methodological knowledge for the collection, analysis and processing of data for the purpose of creating interpretative and predictive models to support strategic data-driven and financial decisions of companies. The teachings of the Data Science area (Construction and analysis of databases) provide basic theoretical and methodological knowledge to collect, analyse and generate valuable information for business decisions. The teachings of the Information Governance and Management area (Organisation of the information assets of companies) provide the theoretical and methodological knowledge to build the governance and management strategies of the business information assets. The teachings of the Information Design area (Representation and visualisation of data) provide the methodological knowledge and tools to be able to represent, disseminate and enhance the company's information assets effectively and to effectively support strategic and management decisions.

Job opportunities

The degree programme aims to train a professional figure equipped with the skills to analyse and manage data in support of strategic decisions and aiming at filling both executive and coordinating roles in the field of business information systems. It therefore provides knowledge and skills in statistics and computer science for the analysis, management and modelling of data and identifies industrial and service organisations, both public and private, as the context in which to express the ability to apply the knowledge acquired.

More information

Course Director:
Prof. Massimo Neri

tel. 0522 523246