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Technology / Bachelor's degree programme
Mechatronic Engineering

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaTechnology
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Programmato Limited access, see call for applications
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Call for applicationGraduatoria degli ammessi e delle ammesse al primo anno del corso di laurea triennale in INGEGNERIA MECCATRONICA a.a. 2024/2025
Extract of the Call for applications to the Bachelor's Degree Programme in MECHATRONIC ENGINEERING
Bando per l'ammissione al corso di laurea triennale in Ingegneria meccatronica

The course is managed by the Department of Sciences and Method for Engineering


In modern industrial design there is an ever-increasing demand for professionals able to combine their knowledge of industrial engineering with that of information. These professionals are required to solve issues involving the integration of mechanical and electronic systems with automated controlled systems used in modern mechanical, mechatronic and manufacturing industry. The degree programme is divided into two curricula: Smart Product e Factory of the Future.

Programme contents

This new role requires a multicultural training programme, in which the traditional skills of the degree programme of the Industrial Class integrate with the traditional skills of the programmes of the Information Class. The Degree Programme in Mechatronic Engineering provides graduates with an integrated set of skills in three major areas of engineering: (1) basic sciences and mathematical subjects, representing the essential tool to interpret, describe and resolve the engineering issues, (2) industrial engineering, with the skills required to design machinery, and (3) information engineering, teaching students how to integrate electronic and IT systems into mechanic systems. From the third year, the programme divides into two curricula: one product-focused (Smart Product), and one company-focused (Factory of the Future). The distinguishing features of the two curricula are as follows: - Smart product: the programme focuses on the issues of drives and static energy conversion, component monitoring, diagnostics and modelling and product development. - Factory of the Future: focus on business economics and innovation organisation, fluid-dynamic simulation and automated production systems.

Job opportunities

Career opportunities are mainly in companies whose typical product is a mechanic device integrated by a control device or electronic controlled diagnostics (automated machinery, half-moving civil or industrial machinery, etc.) Graduates will be able to register in professional and trade associations in the industrial and information fields. Employment rates of graduates are excellent. According to statistics, one year after obtaining the degree, 100% of graduates in Mechatronic Engineering are employed or enrolled in further studies (Master's Degree). The Degree in Mechatronic Engineering provides direct access to the Advanced Master Programme in Mechatronic Engineering of DISMI (Department of Sciences and Methods for Engineering) with no educational debits.

More information

Course Director:
prof. Riccardo Rubini
tel. 0522 52 2245
Tutoring delegate:
prof. Claudio Giberti
tel. 0522 52 2632