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Science / Bachelor's degree programme
Computer Science

General information for the a.y. 2025-2026

Disciplinary areaScience
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Programmato Limited access, see call for applications
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations

The course is managed by the Department of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics


Computer science is a pervasive discipline in our society, it exists in companies operating in various sectors (manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, tourism, etc.) and in everyday life when we use technologic devices such as smartphones or tablets, or applications that have become essential, including the Web, for instance. The recent pandemic has demonstrated that these new technologies are critical to carry out activities within a context in which traditional methods may no longer be implemented. For instance, schools and universities have been able to continue providing classes during the lockdown period thanks to the new e-conference platforms. In addition, new technologies and applications are continuously being designed and developed; that is why IT graduates are, and for ever will be, among the most needed professionals in the labour market. The Degree Programme in Computer Science of Modena is a young programme that aims to train graduates to acquire high skills for the design and development of IT tools.

Programme contents

Over 70% of the teachings belong to Computer Science/calculation disciplines. Basic training is ensured by 4 teachings in Mathematics and 1 in Physics. The activities that can be freely chosen (12 CFUs) allow for a strong customisation of the training path. Internships can be carried out within the university or with local private companies or bodies. English courses and a final test complete the activity offer. The more specialised Computer Science teachings provide a solid grounding in different areas of computer science (algorithms, computer architectures, operating systems, networks, data bases) with still a clear emphasis on software design and development. Students will study several programming languages featuring different paradigms and application fields (C, C++, Java, Python, ...) by mainly using methodologies (workshops, practical exercises, individual and group projects) aimed to develop real applications.

Job opportunities

Computer Science graduates will find immediate employment as software designer and implementer (primarily) and as network and systems managers. Both professions can be performed within software houses, public administration offices, or in non-ICT firms requiring personnel to manage their information systems. The skills attained, mainly on open source tools, as well as the practical experience in developing projects implemented within the teachings allow graduates to work as self-employed computer experts or consultants. The Bachelor's Degree Programme in Computer Science allows graduates to access the relevant Master's Degree Programme. By appropriately choosing the free exams, graduates may also enrol in other Master's Degree Programme without credit obligations.

More information

Course Director:
prof. Mauro Leoncini
tel. 059 2055184
Tutoring delegate:
prof. ssa Federica Mandreoli
tel. 059 2058321