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Social Sciences and Humanities / Master's degree programme
Languages for Communication in International Enterprises and Organizations

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaSocial Sciences and Humanities
Duration 2 years - 120 Credits
Admission Accesso Programmato Limited access, see call for applications
Language Completely taught in English
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Call for applicationSECONDA EDIZIONE del Bando di ammissione alla LM LANGUAGES FOR COMMUNICATION IN INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISES AND ORGANIZATIONS (LACOM) - Riservato a candidati con titolo italiano, Ue ed extra-UE soggiornanti, con titolo estero - A.A.24-25
Graduatoria candidati ammessi a Languages for Communication in International Enterprises and Organizations (LACOM) - PRIMA EDIZIONE - Bando riservato ai candidati con titolo italiano, UE ed Extra-UE soggiornanti con titolo estero - A.A. 24-25
Esito della valutazione dei requisiti curriculari e comunicazione orario e aula di svolgimento della prova di ammissione a LANGUAGES FOR COMMUNICATION IN INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISES AND ORGANIZATION (LACOM) - Anno Accademico 24/25 -
Bando di ammissione al corso di laurea magistrale LANGUAGES FOR COMMUNICATION IN INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISES AND ORGANIZATION (LACOM) - 2024-2025 - Riservato a candidati con titolo italiano, UE ed extra-UE soggiornanti con titolo estero.

The course is managed by the Department of Studies on Language and Culture


Languages for communication in international enterprises and organizations. The name of the programme is in English because all subjects are taught in English. The teaching of linguistic strategies and digital tools for institutional communication is an exception, which is delivered in Italian as it focuses on Italian for institutional communication, and foreign languages (always taught in the studied language). In addition to the well-established two-year teaching of two languages (chosen among English, French, German, and Spanish), this innovative programme gives the opportunity to study a third language, chosen between Chinese and Russian. Equal importance is given to the legal-economic area.

Programme contents

In addition to the two-year study of two languages (chosen among English, French, German, and Spanish) the programme gives the opportunity to study a third language to be chosen between Chinese and Russian. The same importance is given to the legal-economic area, which - in addition to Introduction to European and international law and Introduction to international economics - also offers courses of Internationalisation strategies, Marketing and digital communication, Economic development and sustainability, International commercial law, Comparative business law, and Digital communication and human rights.

Job opportunities

Master graduates will rely on all-round communication skills that include knowledge in the economic-legal field (business know-how) and language skills in English, French, German, Spanish, and also Chinese and Russian. Internships provide students with real life experience of what they have studied during the course, and in many cases also offer the basis for contextualisation of the experience within a theoretical framework, thanks to the thesis, and for subsequent work opportunities in the company where the internship is conducted. Master graduates will be able to hold positions of responsibility in businesses working internationally, as well as in local, national and international organisations.

More information

Course Director:
prof.ssa Giuliana Diani
tel. 059 2055989
Tutoring delegate:
dott.ssa Angela Piroddi
tel. 059 2055883