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Technology / Master's degree programme
Mechatronic Engineering

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaTechnology
Duration 2 years - 120 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Access rules (in italian)Bando per l'accesso al corso di laurea magistrale in INGEGNERIA MECCATRONICA

The course is managed by the Department of Sciences and Method for Engineering


In the Master's Degree Programme in Mechatronic Engineering, the distinctive teachings of Mechanic Engineering complete with teachings of Information Engineering so that graduates will have an interdisciplinary and innovative professional training. The objective is to train two technical professional figures able to design and develop systems featuring an integration of mechanic, electronic and IT components, that for their nature must be designed and developed by applying synergies.

Programme contents

The study programme of the Master's Degree in Mechatronic Engineering is the natural extension of the Bachelor's Degree in Mechatronic Engineering, that is therefore supplemented by adding new training contents relating to the integration of mechanic and electronic systems in complex devices and machinery. The Master's Degree Programme aims to provide the skills required to design a mechatronic system using a general view of the whole, integrated in its parts. In order to implement this system approach, the training programme includes courses in different sectors of mechanics and mechatronics, along with application experiences developed in research laboratories and internships. The degree programme is divided into two curricula: 1) Smart product, 2) Factory of the future.

Job opportunities

The major employment opportunities are in the fields of innovation, as well as design, planning of production systems, machinery and devices, both as self-professionals and employed in manufacturing and service companies, and in public administration. In particular, graduates in Mechatronics Engineering will find their ideal career with mechanical companies that design and manufacture machinery and systems with integrated electronic devices, such as electromechanical and electronic companies involved in the design and production of monitoring systems and devices for mechanical machines and systems. The programme also enables graduates to register in professional and trade associations in the industrial and information fields. Employment opportunities are excellent. According to Almalaurea statistics, 100% of graduates are employed one year after graduating.

More information

Course Director:
prof. Riccardo Rubini
tel. 0522 52 2245
Tutoring delegate:
prof. Claudio Giberti
tel. 0522 52 2632