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Technology / Master's degree programme
Management Engineering

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaTechnology
Duration 2 years - 120 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Access rules (in italian)Bando per l'accesso al corso di laurea magistrale in INGEGNERIA GESTIONALE

The course is managed by the Department of Sciences and Method for Engineering


The Master's Degree Programme in Management Engineering aims to train professional figures able to combine technological with management skills, in order to deal with complex interdisciplinary issues.

Programme contents

The training objectives of the Master's Degree Programme in Management Engineering are reached through a study programme that provides for most teachings in common - distinctive of Management Engineering (Economic and Management Engineering, Technologies and processing systems, Mechanical and Automated industrial systems) - and, together with the teachings relating to models for decision management and to systems for information management, allow students to gain advanced analytic, decision-making, and design skills in the sector of management and production, and information flows. In addition to this shared set of teachings, students will be free to select training programmes aimed at exploring their knowledge in specific fields of management, industrial or information engineering. In particular, four programmes are available: 1) ICT-Data management, 2) ICT-Digital and creative industries, 3) Production-Energy, 4) Manufacturing - Goods and services.

Job opportunities

Master graduates in Management Engineering naturally find employment in companies and activity areas with critical management and technological issues, where innovation normally plays an important role. Graduates also find suitable roles in the field of industrial system and production system design, production management and material procurement, logistics, business organisation, management control systems, and design of information systems supporting production and/or service provision activities. The programme allows graduates to register in professional and trade associations in the industrial and information fields.

More information

Course Director:
prof.ssa Monia Montorsi
tel. 0522 52 2639
Tutoring delegate:
prof. Claudio Giberti
tel. 0522 52 2632