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Social Sciences and Humanities / Bachelor's degree programme
Marketing and Business Organization

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaSocial Sciences and Humanities
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Access rules (in italian)Information for enrolment to the Bachelor's Degree Programme in MARKETING AND BUSINESS ORGANIZATION
Istruzioni e adempimenti per l'immatricolazione al corso di laurea in MARKETING E ORGANIZZAZONE D'IMPRESA

The course is managed by the Department of Communication and Economics


The Degree Programme in Marketing and Business Organisation responds to the growing need for professionalism capable of combining commercial and marketing skills with knowledge relating to the organisation of business, who know how to use new information technologies and manage internal and external communication. Big businesses, as well as small and medium ones, show an increasing interest in professionals with new management skills of the relationships with national and international markets. The innovation and update of the teaching contents are combined with educational methodologies specifically chosen and designed to encourage personal behaviours to interaction and communication. The programme has a limited number of places; please refer to the department website for more details on admission criteria and procedures.

Programme contents

The degree programme is divided into four main areas of study. The first one focuses on the tools for analysing and monitoring the relationships with customers and therefore on product strategies, price policies and sales network management. The second area focuses on the organisational models adopted for the coordination of business activities and relations between economic and institutional actors. The third area deals with the issues of business organisation and human resource management, with constant reference to new information and communication technologies and appropriate regulatory references. Finally, the fourth area explores issues relating to marketing strategies and policies and business communication, with particular reference to the activity of modern large-scale distribution. The degree programme includes traditional lectures, seminar modules, group activities and internship activities, especially important for developing the ability to apply the knowledge acquired. Classroom teaching activities are enriched by the possibility of accessing the registration of lessons after their delivery, through the services of ONELab; the service also provides for the availability of an online receiving time to supplement the face-to-face one.

Job opportunities

The degree programme provides the skills to start managerial career paths in the various business management areas and explores specific knowledge in marketing and business organisation functions. Career opportunities are intended for professionals who work in manufacturing and service companies, but the knowledge acquired can be appropriately directed to consultancy or management activities in public administrations. The theoretical and application training relating to the main methodologies for market analysis and monitoring allows graduates to take on operating roles in dedicated structures in charge of both design and data collection and processing functions.

More information

Course Director:
prof. Paolo Di Toma
tel. 0522 523244
Tutoring delegate:
prof.ssa Veronica Gabrielli
tel. 0522 523233