Social Sciences and Humanities / Single cycle Master's degree programme

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaSocial Sciences and Humanities
Duration 5 years - 300 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Access rules (in italian)Information for enrolment to the single cycle Master's Degree Programmein LAW
Istruzioni e adempimenti per l'immatricolazione al corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in GIURISPRUDENZA - Anno Accademico 2024-2025

The course is managed by the Department of Law


Through the study of legal phenomena from multiple perspectives, the Master's Degree Programme in Law offers a comprehensive, specific, and in-depth knowledge of the Italian and international legal system and aims to provide graduates with the technical and cultural tools that are typical of the lawyer's profession. The programme trains students to classical legal professions (magistrate, lawyer, notary) and other different professions that require a legal training. Within the current economic and social context, the Master's Degree Programme in Law aims to meet the widespread need for professionals who are able to analyse, understand, and interpret legal data from both a national and transnational perspective. To this purpose, the Master's Degree Programme in Law has consolidated its internationalisation process by enhancing the English language teaching and integrating the traditional training offer with seminars dealing with international scope topics.

Programme contents

The Master's Degree Programme in Law may be divided into five main training areas. The first is based on methodologies, techniques and tools for understanding and analysing private and commercial law disciplines. The second area of study focuses on the analysis of public law disciplines (constitutional, administrative, and criminal) and labour law. The third area aims to provide the historical, philosophical and sociological, and comparative knowledge that will set the historical and theoretical grounds of legal studies. The fourth area teaches the international order and EU law, whereas the fifth one deals with procedural law (civil, criminal, administrative, labour). The teaching model implemented tends to promote the integration of the skills acquired and a strong interaction between professors and students. Traditional lectures held by professors - both in Italian and English - are integrated with other seminar activities with university 43 professors and Italian and foreign experts, the analysis and discussion in the classroom of case studies, the opportunity to carry out internships and traineeships in institutions, public offices, companies, and law firms.

Job opportunities

At the end of the training programme, graduates boast a significant core of legal skills that may be flexibly adapted to several professional needs. Master Graduates in Law may choose the career of lawyers, notaries, and magistrates in the first place. They will also be able to take on high-responsibility roles in public administrations, private companies of the territory, large multinational companies, trade unions, comparative, international and EU law sector, as well as international organisations.

More information

Course Director:
prof. Eduardo Gianfrancesco
Tutoring delegate:
prof.ssa Maria Cristina Santini

Provvedimenti studenti:
prof. Francesco Diamanti