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Social Sciences and Humanities / Master's degree programme
Management and Business Communication

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaSocial Sciences and Humanities
Duration 2 years - 120 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Access rules (in italian)Bando per l'accesso al corso di laurea magistrale in MANAGEMENT E COMUNICAZIONE D'IMPRESA

The course is managed by the Department of Communication and Economics


This Master's degree programme trains students to take on managerial and strategic coordination roles in companies, as well as to innovatively design the external and internal communication of public and private organisations. The training programme explores organisational, market, economic and financial, legal and institutional contents and tools aimed at developing modern professionals, skilled to enter different working contexts.

Programme contents

The analysis of business competitive positioning, the preparation of a business plan, the management of financial communication, the organisation of job relationships, the examination of the regulations that govern the economic measures and the statistic tools for market analysis are all part of the basic training of the first year. The degree programme also gives the opportunity to choose between two curricula: “General management” and “Business communication and image”. The first one provides deep knowledge on business management and on the operation of the markets, the tools and the financial institutions. The second one provides deep knowledge for designing communication campaigns, organising events, managing the image and the identity of the brand, and drawing up integrated communication plans. Classroom teaching activities are enriched by the possibility of accessing the registration of lessons after their delivery, through the services of ONELab; the service also provides for the availability of an online receiving time to supplement the face-to-face one.

Job opportunities

The professional profile of graduates in Management and business communication is suitable to cover roles of responsibility in the marketing and communication fields. Graduates will be able to apply for roles as human resources experts, managers of internal and external economic-financial communication of businesses and credit institutions, also as investor relators in listed companies; experts in trading goods and services, skilled to define and implement a strategic and marketing plan; market analysts, as they are skilled to use the tools for monitoring the markets; experts in public relations, analysis and design of business image.

More information

Course Director:
prof. Paolo Di Toma
tel. 0522 523244
Tutoring delegate:
prof.ssa Giovanna Galli
tel. 0522 523243