Rector's Delegates

Delegate for the Libraries area
Prof. Giuseppe Nardin

Delegate for the library sector within the CRUI bodies
Dott.ssa Maria Raffaella Ingrosso

Delegate for University Communication
Prof. Thomas Casadei

Delegate for Teaching
Prof. Giacomo Cabri

Delegate for Disability and Specific Learning Disabilities SLD
Prof.ssa Elisabetta Genovese
Dott. Giacomo Guaraldi

Delegate for IT
Prof. Francesco Guerra

Delegate for Internationalisation
Prof. Alessandro Capra

DDelegate for the Organisation of University initiatives for culture and for relations with scientific and cultural institutions
Prof.ssa Berenice Cavarra

Delegate for Guidance and Tutoring
Prof.ssa Carla Palumbo

Delegate for Equal Opportunities
Prof.ssa Tindara Addabbo

Delegate for Energy Issues and University Building
Prof. Paolo Tartarini

Delegate for Planning
Prof.ssa Daniela Quaglino

Delegate for Quality
Prof. Antonio Ribba

Delegate for University Scientific Research
Prof. Paolo Pavan

Delegate for Sustainability
Prof.ssa Grazia Ghermandi

Delegate for Sports
Prof.ssa Isabella Morlini

Delegate for The Third Mission - Modena campus
Prof. Gianluca Marchi

Delegate for The Third Mission - Reggio Emilia campus
Prof. Giovanni Verzellesi

Delegate for the Technology Transfer - Mantua campus
Prof. Marko Bertogna