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Social Sciences and Humanities / Master's degree programme

General information for the a.y. 2025-2026

Disciplinary areaSocial Sciences and Humanities
Duration 2 years - 120 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations

The course is managed by the Department of Education and Humanities


The new issues addressed by services of educational and socio- educational, school and non-school nature are in urgent need of a professional figure who is able to carry out complex programming, organisational, and coordination tasks. The Master's Degree Programme in Pedagogy effectively meets this demand, by providing skills of educational research, pedagogical consulting, design and assessment of actions in the training field. The programme also combines theory with practice, by offering students the broadest opportunities to consolidate their theoretical-methodological tools, at the same time also favouring the application of theories to real cases. The programme does not include compulsory internship programmes. However, it is still possible to carry out training internship on request in organisations identified and approved by the Department of Education and Human Sciences: the internship is recognised in terms of university training credits (CFUs). Access to the degree programme has a limited access: please see the call for applications for details.

Programme contents

The programme consists of a wide range of common subjects in the pedagogical, philosophical, psychological, and sociological areas, with an interdisciplinary approach, and is divided into two curricula: Human sciences for pedagogical research and Educational consulting and planning (see study plan).

Job opportunities

The Master's Degree Programme trains graduates to work as: • scholars, trainers and assessors in pedagogical and psycho-pedagogical research centres and projects, in management, guidance, support and control departments in Public Administration and private organisations; • pedagogical consultants in the public and private sector, dealing with prevention, education, and recovery of distress and reduction of handicap, as well as the integration between genders, generations, social groups, cultures in professional guidance and training; • pedagogical coordinators in educational services addressed to children, teenagers, young people, adults, and the elderly.

More information

Course Director:
prof. Giorgio Zanetti
tel. 0522 52 3638
Tutoring delegate:
prof.ssa Barbara Chitussi
tel. 0522 52 3660