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Health / Bachelor's degree programme
Occupational Therapy

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaHealth
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Programmato Limited access, see call for applications
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Call for applicationBando per posti liberi su anni successivi al primo da stesso corso da Atenei italiani o esteri per i Corsi di Laurea nelle PROFESSIONI SANITARIE, LM in SCIENZE INFERMIERISTICHE E OSTETRICHE E LM in SALUTE E SPORT. A.A. 2024/2025

The course is managed by the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences


Occupational Therapy promotes health and well-being through occupation (actions that we carry out in daily activity, both work and leisure) with the aim of making people as independent as possible when a disease or other morbid events make this difficult or impossible. Occupational therapists achieve this result by working together with other rehabilitation professionals, using specific techniques tailored to the patient's needs, identifying suitable aids and promoting environmental changes.

Programme contents

The programme includes various types of teaching activities: lectures, teaching laboratories, and internships. Internships are carried out in facilities of the National Healthcare Service, or in partnership with it, under the supervision and guidance of professional tutors. The programme deals with the basic disciplines that are essential to understand the physio-pathological processes that can lead to disabilities and on which the occupational specific therapeutic/preventive intervention is focused; and issues related to general rehabilitation and occupational methodology, based on the best scientific evidence. Top importance is given to cultural, ethical, and professional values.

Job opportunities

Graduates in Occupational Therapy work in the field of prevention, care and rehabilitation of patients suffering from physical and mental illnesses and disorders, both with temporary and permanent disabilities, by using expressive, manual, recreational and daily life activities. In relation to the diagnosis and prescriptions of the doctor, in team with other socio-health figures, they perform the functional and psychological evaluation of the subject, identify the needs of the disabled and define the rehabilitation program aimed at its recovery of the independence in the environment of daily life and in the social fabric. They may also carry out study, research, and teaching activities. The skills gained allow them to integrate directly in the working context and find employment in the public and private sector or working as freelance professionals. The Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy provides direct access to the Master's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Sciences of Healthcare Professions and vocational master programmes (1st level) with no credit obligations.

More information

Course Director:
prof.ssa Gilda Sandri
tel. 059 4225727
Tutoring delegate:
dott.ssa Barbara Volta
tel. 0522 522071