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Social Sciences and Humanities / Master's degree programme

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Interuniversity programme with Università degli studi di Ferrara and Università degli studi di Parma

Disciplinary areaSocial Sciences and Humanities
Duration 2 years - 120 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations

The course is managed by the Department of Education and Humanities


The purpose of the interuniversity Master's Degree Programme in Philosophy is to provide an in-depth knowledge of the philosophical tradition in its specific methodologies developed in the various historical and philosophical, theoretical, analytical, ethical- political, and aesthetical approaches. In order to ensure access to lectures and other teaching activities offered by each university, remote courses are also provided.

Programme contents

The programme is aimed at providing students with the language and philological skills required to understand the original texts, the essential conceptual tools of philosophical argumentation, the main concepts required to read the classics of philosophy. The specialist teachings in philosophy will pay particular attention to the development of analytical and logical-argumentative skills related to the different forms of knowledge and language, the historical-critical analysis skills of the fundamental concepts of theoretical, ethical, legal-political, and aesthetical thought. The final test consists of the discussion of a written paper discussed in Italian or English, on a topic agreed with a professor of the degree programme. The programme contents and professors' personal webpages are available on the website:

Job opportunities

The degree programme trains students to perform professional activities in all fields that require accurate analysis abilities and independent judgement, in particular: in various fields of the cultural consulting activity, in the fields promoting and assisting the relationships between the different traditions, in design and management activities of professional training courses in public institutions or private companies, in the publishing sector, and in political cultural activities within the public administration. Graduates in philosophy may access Advanced Master Programmes (2nd level), PhD programmes in philosophy and other similar programmes, and PhD schools. Ultimately, they will be qualified to teach in schools, after completing the teaching qualification programme under the applicable legislation.

More information

Course Director:
prof. Wolfgang Huemer

Coordinatrice del corso di laurea per Unimore:
prof.ssa Annalisa Coliva
Tutoring delegate:
dott. Giacomo Scarpelli
tel. 059 205 5906