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Life / Master's degree programme
Experimental and Applied Biology

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaLife
Duration 2 years - 120 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Access rules (in italian)Bando di ammissione al Corso di Laurea Magistrale a libero accesso in Bioscienze (classe LM-6) A.A. 2024-2025

The course is managed by the Department of Life Sciences


The Master's Degree Programme in Experimental and Applied Biology trains high-profile professional graduates able to enter the job market with skills rooted on a solid cultural basis. In fact, the study plan includes subjects that play the role of the basic tool of biology, in a common pathway, and subjects applied especially to understanding the close relationship between human health and environmental health, with a curriculum on nutrition and pathology and a curriculum on evolution and ecology. In this way, master graduates have an original wealth of technical and biological skills that will soon be useful in a wide range of work activities. The programme requires an experimental thesis, with activities carried out in highly qualified laboratories where students refine their practical skills and critical thinking. This programme provides valuable versatility through the study of subjects that broaden the bachelor's degree knowledge and subjects providing insights into the most up-to-date and urgent aspects of biological research.

Programme contents

After a common first semester, which covers molecular genetics and epigenetics, molecular techniques, data analysis and quality systems, there is a choice of two curricula. In the “Study, control and protection of health” curriculum, students will study food and nutrition, laboratory diagnostics, chemical-clinical analyses, physiology of metabolism, biology and pathophysiology of nutrition, pathology and immuno-neuroendocrine integration, pharmacology. The “Evolution, monitoring and protection of biodiversity and the environment” curriculum will cover topics focusing on biological monitoring, evolution and phylogeny, ecological study and environmental certification, ongoing transformations and environmental sustainability, human impact and global change. In line with the chosen curriculum, the free-choice teachings and the research topics dealt with for the thesis allow students to tailor their study programme, with in-depth studies in the field of specific interest.

Job opportunities

Biologists are expert professionals able to conceive and coordinate interdisciplinary actions concerning the relations between environmental quality and human health. They can specialise and bring innovation to monitoring activities in the laboratory or in the field, working in public companies, research institutions and parks, private companies linked to the food, biomedical, biochemical and cosmetic industries, and also organisations in the sectors of healthcare, public hygiene, and preservation and protection of biodiversity. The State Examination for Senior Biologist (Presidential Decree no. 328 of 5 June 2001) enables professionals to register with the National Order of Biologists.

More information

Course Director:
prof.ssa Anna Maria Mercuri
tel. 059 205 8275
Tutoring delegate:
prof.ssa Federica Boraldi
tel. 059 205 5421