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Technology / Bachelor's degree programme
Computer Engineering - Mantova

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaTechnology
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Access rules (in italian)Istruzioni e adempimenti per l'immatricolazione al corso di laurea in INGEGNERIA Informatica (L-8 Classe delle lauree in ingegneria dell'informazione) SEDE DI MANTOVA - Anno Accademico 2024-2025

The course is managed by the "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering


The Degree Programme in Computer Engineering takes graduates to a future filled with information technologies, which will increasingly need professionals capable of designing and managing systems and smart environments, hyper connected enterprises, and a society characterised by increasingly autonomous smart devices that will be soon launched in the market. Despite the growing demand for such skills by the job market, no degree programmes offer an in-depth vertical analysis of such themes. Therefore, the programmes represents a unique opportunity that will allow graduates to oversee the working environment of the coming decades and that will allow companies to adequately address the challenges of innovation posed by an increasingly competitive world of production on a global scale.

Programme contents

The study subjects graft onto basic engineering subject specificities of Computer Engineering with a prevalent orientation towards the design and development of software and IT services, the architectures of computers and IoT devices, systems and cloud platforms, artificial intelligence and machine learning, security by design of systems and industrial products. All these subjects involve a significant percentage of exercises and practical activities in multiple laboratory activities at the facilities available in the Mantua campus. The preparation is completed by subjects of Information Engineering integrated with those of Industrial Engineering such as industrial design, intelligent manufacturing, and industrial management to operate in modern production contexts that are increasingly automated and flexible.

Job opportunities

You will become an IT Engineer with a training that will allow you to understand all IT aspects in its multiple sectors. You will be able to integrate directly into the job market, also thanks to the relations with the company in which you will have the opportunity to apply for a training internship. You can also complete the preparation by enrolling in the Master's Degree in Computer Engineering in Modena or in another national or international university. The IT pervasiveness in all sectors give our graduates the opportunity to find a job in multinational or regional IT companies, in international consultancy companies, in public administrations and in all national and international medium-large manufacturing companies. You will also be able to undertake an entrepreneurial activity, with just a few simple investments, such as an innovative start-up business in the technological sector.

More information

Course Director:
Prof.ssa Claudia Canali
tel. 0592056317
Tutoring delegate:
Prof. Marko Bertogna
tel. 0592055174