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Life / Master's degree programme
Integrated sustainability of agricultural systems

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaLife
Duration 2 years - 120 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Access rules (in italian)Bando di ammissione al Corso di Laurea Magistrale a libero accesso di Sostenibilità Integrata dei Sistemi Agricoli (Classe LM-69) A.A. 2024/2025

The course is managed by the Department of Life Sciences


The Master's Degree programme in Integrated Sustainability of Agricultural Systems aims to provide a solid background in the disciplinary fields that are distinctive of agricultural sciences and technologies. SISTA master's graduates will therefore be able to plan and manage agricultural research and production (qualitative and quantitative) with a broad vision of sustainability, developing and managing the innovation of companies and agricultural supply chains, promoting their development also in a territorial perspective.

Programme contents

The programme focuses on sustainable development in agriculture, based on the acquisition of specific functional skills such as: agroecology and biodiversity protection, sustainability of herbaceous and tree agro-ecosystems and livestock production, integrated defence approaches against harmful pathogens and insects, assisted evolution technologies in agriculture and soil fertility treatment, precision agriculture technologies, post-harvesting of agro-vegetable products, business management and economics and sustainable development of agricultural and rural systems. Appropriate professional management skills in terms of dynamic capabilities are acquired through management and soft skills topics, interactive seminars with technicians, managers and experts from the agricultural system, an internship in companies and organisations in the sector, and the production of an application-experimental thesis.

Job opportunities

Master graduates in Integrated Sustainability of Agricultural Systems are competent and experienced professionals able to drive the evolution of agriculture and its various components (socio-economic-environmental) towards the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, Agenda 2030). Characteristic features of this "Senior Agronomist" are the approach and the mind-set that make the professional able to address in an integrated and synergistic way the different technical, methodological, environmental and organisational issues, with appropriate interpretation skills and oriented to problem solving. The professional profile thus meets the support and guidance needs of the agricultural world, as it can be employed in a very wide range of options: farm manager, employee of companies supplying goods and services for agriculture, expert/manager of private and public bodies providing services to the agricultural activity, official/manager of agricultural aggregation structures (consortia, producer associations, professional organisations, etc.) or trade associations, manager/manager of processing and first transformation companies, professional farmer, etc. In addition to these professional figures, there are important roles at research and experimentation institutions for agriculture, bodies dedicated to plant protection (phytosanitary services and consortia), Public Administration, Land Reclamation Consortia, Park Authorities, etc., and the figure of consultant (freelance agronomist).

More information

Course Director:
prof. Enrico Francia
tel. 0522 52.2041

Tutoring delegate:
prof. Emiro Endrighi
tel. 0522 52 2044