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Social Sciences and Humanities / Master's degree programme
Data analysis for economics and management

General information for the a.y. 2025-2026

Disciplinary areaSocial Sciences and Humanities
Duration 2 years - 120 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations

The course is managed by the Marco Biagi Department of Economics


The Master's Degree Programme aims to train an economist, politician and businessman with a solid quantitative education, skilled in the extraction, processing, visualisation and analysis of data of economic and business interest, as well as in the communication of results. It was defined thanks to an intensive and fruitful consultation with interested parties: representatives of national and international economic institutions, the main economic associations in the local area, leading companies and associations at regional and national level in the financial, industrial, business consultancy, particularly in the fields of data analysis and ICT and personnel management, and services, coordinators of national and international doctorates. The consultation made clear two strong motivations for the activation of the new degree programme: - the existence of a growing demand for the training profile designed, both for companies that are already digital and those that intend to become digital, - the importance of developing skills in data analysis and its interpretation from a strategic perspective in order to understand the business value of the information in the data, also in relation to the ability to govern business processes.

Programme contents

The degree programme is an interclass degree in LM56 (Economics) and LM77 (Economics and Business Sciences). The structure of the programme comprises two curricula, Economics and Management, with a broad base of common subjects that provide solid computer, statistical and econometric skills, advanced knowledge of industrial, business and financial economics, and legal content relating to current legislation on the use and processing of data. The economics curriculum complements the training with advanced skills in economic and financial theory and, in particular, macroeconomics, microeconomics, economic policy and quantitative finance. The management curriculum complements the training with domain expertise in the areas of marketing, human resources management and business management in general, with a focus on aspects related to the use of data for business decisions. The teaching methodology includes individual and group projects, also carried out at external companies and/or institutions, with a final presentation of the results, the involvement of company managers, teaching material or lectures in English.

Job opportunities

There are two professional profiles: - Data Analyst for economic and financial institutions, - Expert in data-driven business processes. The first profile offers job opportunities in economic and financial institutions, public and private study centres, public administration, national and international organisations (e.g. ISTAT, Eurostat, OECD, Bank of Italy, ECB, IMF), statistical and research offices of local authorities and companies in the private sector. 86 The skills acquired are a prerequisite for further studies in PhD programmes in economics, both Italian and foreign. The second profile offers job opportunities in digital-native companies or companies affected by data-driven innovation or transformation processes, related business consulting activities. The skills acquired allow for the continuation of studies in PhD programmes in management.

More information

Course Director:
Prof. Mario Forni
tel. 059/2056851
Tutoring delegate:
Dott.ssa Lara Liverani
tel. 059 2056913