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Social Sciences and Humanities / Master's degree programme
Digital learning theories and methodologies

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaSocial Sciences and Humanities
Duration 2 years - 120 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Offered through distance learning (blended course)
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Access rules (in italian)Bando per l'accesso al corso di laurea magistrale in TEORIE E METODOLOGIE DEL DIGITAL LEARNING

The course is managed by the Department of Education and Humanities


The Master's Degree Programme in Theories and Methodologies of Digital Learning aims to train the professional figure of the pedagogist (qualified under Law 205/2017) expert in the design, organisation, management and evaluation of training and socio-educational services, with particular skills in the use of digital media and technologies. In particular, graduates will be able to take on management and coordination roles in teaching planning and the realisation of e- learning courses, in the training of trainers on the topics of e- learning, digital teaching and media education in various training areas, in the training of teachers and school managers on topics related to information and communication technologies, in communication activities, dissemination and promotion of the use of educational and communication technologies in various public and private contexts.

Programme contents

The programme provides a basic background in pedagogy, education, psychology and sociology, supplemented by discipline-specific communication and IT skills. The training provides a balance between face-to-face and remote teaching activities and delivery times that allow active teaching. The lectures include presentations as well as practical exercises and testimonies. Remote teaching activities include various innovative methodological approaches. Workshops will focus on the most recent international research results.

Job opportunities

The main job opportunities for graduates are as follows: - Pedagogist (licensed under Law 205/2017), - Head of digital training, - Expert of digital communication, - Media education consultant.

More information

Course Director:
Prof. ssa Liliana Silva
Tutoring delegate:
Prof. Andrea Mariuzzo