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Health / Bachelor's degree programme
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technique

General information for the a.y. 2025-2026

Disciplinary areaHealth
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Programmato Limited access, see call for applications
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations

The course is managed by the Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences


On 13 May 1978, Italy enacted Law 180 (the so called “Basaglia Law”) which redefined the place of treatment for patients suffering from psychiatric disorders. “Psychiatric Hospital” (asylums) ceased to exist and new community-based mental health services became the centre of psychiatric care, in the frame of local Departments of Mental Health. Psychiatric rehabilitation is based on the ethical values of contributing to develop autonomy and recovery; it fosters the empowerment of individuals who can reacquire and develop new capabilities when impaired by mental illness. The figure of the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician therefore represents a fundamental and innovative element of the therapeutic team, participating fully in accordance with recent developments in mental health that emphasise individualised recovery projects starting from the person's values and goals.

Programme contents

The training process is organised in traditional lectures and practical internship that is aimed at the acquisition of professional skills (evaluation, planning, implementation and monitoring of rehabilitating activities, with a focus on recovery). The professional training activity takes place in Local Health Centres (Reggio Emilia, Modena, Parma, Piacenza), public personal assistance institutions (“REGGIO EMILIA - Città delle persone” and “Comuni Modenesi Area Nord”), private hospitals accredited with the National Health System (“Maria Luigia”, “Villa Igea” and “Villa Rosa”) and social private establishments (Centro Italiano di Solidarietà of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Social cooperative "Nefesh", social solidarity cooperative "L'Ovile", Social cooperative "Aliante", Community centre "Papa Giovanni XX2I”), and clinics (“L'Impronta”).

Job opportunities

Graduates in Psychiatric Rehabilitation help assess psychic disabilities, resources, and potentials; they analyse needs and evolutionary causes, and detect the family and socio-environmental resources of patients. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technicians help identify the therapeutic training and psychiatric rehabilitation goals, as well as preparing the specific intervention programme aimed at helping the recovery of patients. They also co-operate in the assessment of retraining and rehabilitation programs for individual patients, assist in the training of support personnel, and are responsible for their continuous professional development. The Bachelor's degree enables students to access the following Masters Degree Programmes: Rehabilitation Sciences of Healthcare Professions; Cognitive Sciences and Decision Making Processes.

More information

Course Director:
Prof.ssa Silvia Ferrari
Tel. 0522 295636
Tutoring delegate:
Dott.ssa Sara Catellani
tel. 0522 522147