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Science / Bachelor's degree programme

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaScience
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Programmato Limited access, see call for applications
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Call for applicationBando di ammissione al Corso di Laurea Triennale in Chimica A.A. 2024/2025 II Edizione
Graduatoria di ammissione al corso di Laurea in Chimica. A.A.2024-2025
Extract of the Call for applications to the Bachelor's Degree Programme in CHEMISTRY (Class L-27) A.A. 2024-2025
Bando di ammissione al Corso di Laurea Triennale in Chimica A.A. 2024/2025

The course is managed by the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences


Chemistry studies matter, its properties, and its transformations. It involves and regulates every aspect of our lives, our environment and our world, it makes it possible to understand the processes and phenomena that occur inside and around us. The development of chemical knowledge has a great technological impact and contributes decisively to economic and social development, making possible the discovery of new substances and the development of innovative materials. This allows chemistry graduates to pursue rewarding jobs in industry, services and the environment.

Programme contents

The training programme includes traditional lectures integrated with extensive laboratory work, and is divided into two curricula (Applied and Methodological), which differ only in the optional teachings to be chosen in the third year. The first two years of the programme are common and, in addition to chemistry, also include mathematics, physics and computer science, which are necessary for a complete chemical education. Students can further customise their preparation through activities for the final examination, to be carried out in a university laboratory or externally. Both curricula allow the continuation of studies in the Master's degree in Chemical Sciences at Unimore.

Job opportunities

Graduates in Chemistry have an adequate knowledge of the theoretical and experimental aspects of basic chemistry and of the scientific method, they are able to apply the main techniques of chemical investigation to the solution of standard problems, and they can work independently and in teams. Graduates in Chemistry find employment in industry and in research, control and analysis laboratories, performing mainly technical tasks. They can carry out freelance activities by passing the qualifying examination and registering in the Register of Chemists, Section B. The Degree Programme in Chemistry provides direct access to the Master's Degree Programme in Chemistry Sciences with no educational debits (LM-54).

More information

Course Director:
Prof. Gianluca Malavasi
tel. 059 205 8552
Tutoring delegate:
Prof. Gianluca Malavasi
tel. 059 205 8552