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Social Sciences and Humanities / Bachelor's degree programme
International Economics and Marketing

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaSocial Sciences and Humanities
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Programmato Limited access, see call for applications
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Call for applicationGraduatorie candidati extra-UE non soggiornanti richiedenti visto ammessi a: ECONOMIA AZIENDALE E MANAGEMENT (CLEAM); ECONOMIA E MARKETING INTERNAZIONALE (CLEMI); ECONOMIA E FINANZA (CLEF).
Graduatorie e ripescaggi II EDIZIONE - Candidati ammessi a ECONOMIA AZIENDALE E MANAGEMENT (CLEAM); ECONOMIA E MARKETING INTERNAZIONALE (CLEMI); ECONOMIA E FINANZA (CLEF) - Bando riservato a candidati con titolo italiano, UE ed Extra-UE soggiornanti
Avviso posti disponibili nella SECONDA EDIZIONE del Bando di ammissione ai corsi del Dipartimento di Economia "Marco Biagi": ECONOMIA AZIENDALE E MANAGEMENT (CLEAM)- ECONOMIA E FINANZA (CLEF) - ECONOMIA E MARKETING INTERNAZIONALE (CLEMI)- 24/25
II EDIZIONE - Bando di ammissione a: ECONOMIA AZIENDALE E MANAGEMENT (CLEAM) - ECONOMIA E MARKETING INTERNAZIONALE (CLEMI) - ECONOMIA E FINANZA (CLEF) - A.A 2024-2025 - Riservato a candidati italiani, UE ed extra-UE soggiornanti
Graduatorie candidati ammessi a: ECONOMIA AZIENDALE E MANAGEMENT (CLEAM); ECONOMIA E MARKETING INTERNAZIONALE (CLEMI); ECONOMIA E FINANZA (CLEF) - I EDIZIONE 24-25 - Bando riservato ai candidati con titolo italiano, UE ed Extra-UE soggiornanti.
Bando Trasferimenti per l'ammissione al II e III anno dei corsi di laurea in: ECONOMIA AZIENDALE E MANAGEMENT (CLEAM) - ECONOMIA E MARKETING INTERNAZIONALE (CLEMI) - ECONOMIA E FINANZA (CLEF) - 2024-2025
Bando di ammissione a: ECONOMIA AZIENDALE E MANAGEMENT (CLEAM) - ECONOMIA E MARKETING INTERNAZIONALE (CLEMI) - ECONOMIA E FINANZA (CLEF) - 2024-2025 - Riservato a candidati extra-UE non soggiornanti richiedenti visto
Bando di ammissione a: ECONOMIA AZIENDALE E MANAGEMENT (CLEAM) - ECONOMIA E MARKETING INTERNAZIONALE (CLEMI) - ECONOMIA E FINANZA (CLEF) - A.A 2024-2025 - I EDIZIONE - Riservato a candidati italiani, UE ed extra-UE soggiornanti

The course is managed by the Marco Biagi Department of Economics


The degree programme in International Economics and Marketing provides students with the skills to understand and make business choices in an international complex context. Managing relations with international customers, assessing the attractiveness of foreign markets, knowing how to choose and manage ways of entering different markets, including through digital marketing tools, having language skills to interact with foreign partners, are examples of the skills provided by the programme. In addition to an adequate skills profile, the programme aims to develop in students a capacity for judgement and autonomy through the use of exercises and case studies, seminars with managers, and internship experiences also abroad.

Programme contents

The training programme is divided into four areas of study. The first area deals with principal business techniques and methods essential for company management. The second area concerns the foundations of international economics and provides tools for the analysis of industrial structures. The third area addresses the development of marketing skills (tools and techniques for international market evaluation, strategies for entering foreign markets, and management of international marketing policies). The fourth area, which is an innovative approach to Economics and International Marketing, focuses on solid language skills in English and in a second language, to be chosen from French, German, and Spanish.

Job opportunities

At the end of the programme, students will have a solid knowledge of economics, languages, and marketing, which will enable them to work both in Italian companies, already engaged in foreign markets or starting their internationalisation, and in foreign and multinational companies. In these companies, a degree in International Economics and Marketing is useful in the fields of marketing, business, procurement, and assisting the general management. The acquired skills profile also puts them in a position to successfully access employment opportunities offered by business associations, business service centres, banks and other financial institutions that support the internationalisation of the economic system, and public and private international organisations. The knowledge acquired provides a solid basis for access, with adequate academic background, to subsequent courses in the Master's degree classes in economics, business and finance.

More information

Course Director:
Prof.ssa Marina Vignola
tel. 059 2056948
Tutoring delegate:
Dott.ssa Lara Liverani

tel. 059 2056913