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Social Sciences and Humanities / Single cycle Master's degree programme
Primary Teacher Education

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaSocial Sciences and Humanities
Duration 5 years - 300 Credits
Admission Accesso Programmato Limited access, see call for applications
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Call for applicationGraduatoria di ammissione al corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Scienze della formazione primaria - a.a. 2024/2025 - 1° ripescaggio
Graduatoria dei candidati e delle candidate al corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Scienze della Formazione Primaria - a.a. 2024/2025
Disposizione dei candidati e delle candidate per il concorso di ammissione al Corso di Laurea in Scienze della formazione primaria - 13 settembre 2024 - Reggio Emilia

The course is managed by the Department of Education and Humanities


The Master's Degree Programme in Primary teacher education is the only programme that prepares qualified teachers both for preschools and primary schools. It is characterised by innovative teaching, which includes classroom lectures, school placements and laboratory exercises, and is supported by a constantly updated digital platform. In laboratories, groups of students are led by professors and professionals: the learn to apply theoretical principles and methodologies and simulate activities and procedures that are distinctive of the daily practice of teaching. During the internship, students are involved in educational-teaching and research projects in collaboration with school institutions. The degree programme is firmly rooted in the local area, valorises the best innovative experiences in the school and also accounts for the Reggio Emilia model of preschools that is known throughout the world. Graduates' employment rate is positive: one year after obtaining the degree, 86% of graduates find a job as preschool or primary school teacher (temporary or permanent) (Source: Alma Laurea 2021).

Programme contents

The curriculum of the Master's Degree Programme in Primary teacher education aims to train graduates who are professionally qualified, in terms of knowledge, skills, and competencies useful for teaching in preschools and primary schools (see training plan annexed). The training programme is organised in 29 teachings with 20 teaching workshops strictly related with them, 1 workshops of teaching technologies, 5 workshops for the English language and 8 training credits to be chosen freely. There are also 600 hours of internships in pre-school and primary schools. Attendance to workshops and internships is compulsory.

Job opportunities

The training programme prepares a qualified graduate for teaching in both pre-school and primary schools.

More information

Course Director:
prof.ssa Chiara Bertolini
tel. 0522 52 3646
Tutoring delegate:
Delegata al Tutorato
prof.ssa Tiziana Altiero
tel. 0522 52 3681