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Health / Bachelor's degree programme
Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaHealth
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Programmato Limited access, see call for applications
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Call for applicationBando per posti liberi su anni successivi al primo da stesso corso da Atenei italiani o esteri per i Corsi di Laurea nelle PROFESSIONI SANITARIE, LM in SCIENZE INFERMIERISTICHE E OSTETRICHE E LM in SALUTE E SPORT. A.A. 2024/2025

The course is managed by the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences


The Bachelor's degree in Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques (TRMIR) qualifies professionals to handle and exploit different types of energy (X-rays and gamma rays, magnetic fields, ultrasound, etc.) for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. The study programme, which is continually updated as technologies progress, is rich in subjects that are also very different, forming a potentially multifaceted professional figure capable of working both independently and in close collaboration in teams with figures such as Medical Physicists, Radiology Specialists, Nuclear Physicians and Radiotherapists.

Programme contents

Teaching activities are organised in face-to-face lectures and professional internships at the Operating Units and Services of the Hospitals in the province of Modena and Reggio Emilia. During the programme, students learn the fundamental principles of physics, biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, general and clinical pathology, hygiene and first aid, which are the basic assets for a health professional. Of particular relevance are the theoretical and practical teachings aimed at learning the diagnostic and therapeutic use of ionising radiation, radioactive tracers, thermal, ultrasonic and magnetic resonance energies, as well as IT applications in the radiology area with specific references to the processing and storage of images, reports and data of clinical-health interest and to the evolution of Artificial Intelligence applied to Imaging Diagnostics.

Job opportunities

Graduates in Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques are health professionals of the technical-diagnostic area who perform with professional independence, on medical prescription, the procedures necessary for carrying out diagnostic or therapeutic methods on biological materials or on the individual. They can carry out their professional activity in public or private healthcare facilities, as employees or freelance professionals, in the sectors of radiodiagnostics, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, and medical physics. They manage and use complex equipment, whose function is to generate images of the human body for diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes. The relationships with patients and the other healthcare professionals with whom they work in team are of key importance. This Degree directly qualifies graduates to the profession and allow them to access the Master's Degree Programme in Sciences of Diagnostic Technical Healthcare Professions or vocational master programmes (first-level) with no credit obligations.

More information

Course Director:
prof.ssa Annarita Pecchi
tel. 059 422 5282
Tutoring delegate:
dott. Leonardo Canulli
tel. 0594225403