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Social Sciences and Humanities / Bachelor's degree programme
Economics and Finance

General information for the a.y. 2025-2026

Double study qualification with Université d'Angers (Francia)

Disciplinary areaSocial Sciences and Humanities
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Programmato Limited access, see call for applications
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations

The course is managed by the Marco Biagi Department of Economics


The Degree Programme in Economics and Finance is aimed at training graduates to understand the modern business and financial systems, in terms of both production and distribution of income, generation of savings, financial choices of businesses and families, and the role played by the public sector. The ability to understand the multiple real, financial, institutional and social aspects of a modern economy is mainly essential in a period of important market evolutions and technological and socio-demographic transformations. The peculiarities are developed from a wide base shared with the Degree Programmes in business, ensuring sound accounting and budgetary knowledge, business management and commercial law.

Programme contents

The training project of the Degree Programme features the fundamentals of economic, business, law, mathematic, statistic, financial and historic subjects, that are integrated with basic skills in IT and language (English) areas. A core aspect of the Programme is to provide students with the tools for gaining the skills for applied analyses by processing information taken from the main economic and financial data banks. An internship and final examination close the training programme and represent a significant opportunity to apply the acquired skills. By exploring specific areas of interest, students will learn financial skills (financial instruments and markets, monetary policy, investment choices) and knowledge on economic themes (industrial, international, job market, welfare analysis).

Job opportunities

The Degree Programme in Economics and Finance trains graduates who are able to keep a broad perspective on the activity of economic and institutional subjects, and highlight the main quantitative dimensions of the economic and financial system. The acquired skills allow graduates to take up the role of financial operator in financial (banks, insurance companies) and non-financial (industrial, commercial) enterprises, and as an applied economist in bodies of various kind (public enterprises and bodies, associations, trade unions). The acquired knowledge will provide students with an adequate academic background and a solid background to successfully attend the higher- level Master's Degree Programmes in Economics, Business Economics, and Finance.

More information

Course Director:
Prof. Massimo Baldini
059 2056873
Tutoring delegate:
Sig.ra Maria Luisa Resta
059 2056936