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Life / Bachelor's degree programme

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaLife
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Programmato Limited access, see call for applications
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Call for applicationComunicazione numero posti vacanti corso di laurea in Biotecnologie A.A. 2024-2025 I Selezione.
Graduatoria di ammissione al corso di Laurea in Biotecnologie, prima selezione da 32 posti e successivi ripescaggi A.A. 2024-2025
Extract of the Call for applications to the Bachelor's Degree Programme in BIOTECHNOLOGIES (Class L-2) A.A. 2024-2025
Bando di ammissione al Corso di Laurea Triennale in Biotecnologie A.A. 2024/2025

The course is managed by the Department of Life Sciences


The Bachelor's Degree Programme in Biotechnologies provides students with a mastery of general scientific methods and contents applicable to life sciences and provides for the acquisition of specific professional skills. It is charactersed by a strong interdisciplinarity aimed at the acquisition of technical-scientific skills for the use of biological systems, interpreted in molecular and cellular terms, for the design and production of biotechnology products. The training activities are aimed at the acquisition of both substantial basic knowledge leading up to second-level in-depth studies, and skills to enter the world of work, in research institutions and in the biotechnological, pharmaceutical, energy, food and fine chemicals industrial sectors.

Programme contents

The Degree Programme in Biotechnologies includes three closely integrated training areas. The first one focuses on the study of basic scientific subjects such as mathematics and physics, which provide for the understanding and the theoretical-experimental study of biological phenomena. The second one provides students with theoretical knowledge and biotechnological methodologies for the study of biological systems, at molecular, cellular and tissue level. The third one covers technologies for the use and handling of biological systems for the production of goods and services in the medical, pharmaceutical and industrial fields. The teaching approach is innovative, promoting internship experiences and providing access to international programs for students and teachers' exchange programmes.

Job opportunities

Graduates in Biotechnologies can carry out professional activities of intermediate technical- applicative framework using processes derived from biology and recombinant DNA techniques in the industrial production of innovative products, in health and in food biosecurity. His multidisciplinary training is in line with the multifaceted role of biotechnologies in the biomedical field and in many manufacturing and service sectors. The teachings upskill a professional profile for 3 (Health; Environment-Food; Energy-Bioeconomy-Industry) of the 5 themes related to the major challenges of Italy's Strategy contributing towards the creation of the European Research Area and within the objectives of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development. Biotechnologists can take the State Examination for the exercise of the profession of Junior Biologist - Pres. Decree no. 328 of 05/06/2001. The Degree Programme in Biotechnologies provides the training and the CFUs required to enrol in the Master's Degree Programme in Medical Biotechnologies, Industrial Biotechnologies, and Experimental and Applied Biology.

More information

Course Director:
prof.ssa Carol Imbriano
tel. 059 205 5542
Tutoring delegate:
prof. Carlo Augusto Bortolotti
tel. 059 205 8608

prof.ssa Elisa Bianchi
tel. 059 205 8061

dott. Matteo Sensi
tel. 059 205 8627