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Science / Master's degree programme
Geosciences, Georisks and Georesources

General information for the a.y. 2025-2026

Disciplinary areaScience
Duration 2 years - 120 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations

The course is managed by the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences


The Degree programme trains specialists in geology with an in-depth scientific-technical preparation through two distinct curricula: A) "Earth System and Georesources": providing specific training in the analysis of earth dynamics at various scales, and in the techniques of prospecting, retrieval, characterisation and valorisation of georesources, considered as raw materials and environmental heritage. B) "Geodesy and Land Management": providing specific training in the assessment, prevention and mitigation of geological dangers and risks and in the analysis of geological and technical factors that affect the sustainable development and management of the territory.

Programme contents

The programme includes training activities related to various sectors of the geological area, according to the curriculum, as well as linguistics, engineering and law. It also provides for student-choice activities, training seminars and an internship to be carried out in Italy or abroad, in professional firms, industries and institutions. The programme includes an experimental thesis - project or research - also in collaboration with external organisations and companies.

Job opportunities

Master graduates find employment in positions of responsibility in the geological and industry service and consulting field. After passing the state exam, they can enrol in the professional register and exercise the freelance profession of Geologist performing the functions defined by law (Presidential Decree 328/2001). According to the chosen curricular programme, graduates can work in areas related to the retrieval and use of natural raw materials, the exploitation of the geological heritage or related to geological risk analysis, technical geology and land planning, with a view to environmental sustainability.

More information

Course Director:
Prof. Alessandro Corsini
tel. 059 2058460
Tutoring delegate:
Prof. Maurizio Mazzucchelli
tel. 059 2058477