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Science / Bachelor's degree programme
Geological Sciences

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaScience
Duration 3 years - 180 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Access rules (in italian)Istruzioni e adempimenti per l'immatricolazione al corso di laurea in SCIENZE GEOLOGICHE (L-34 Classe delle lauree in scienze geologiche)- Anno Accademico 2024-2025

The course is managed by the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences


The Degree Programme offers a solid scientific preparation, thanks to the study of basic subjects and subjects related to the various fields of Geosciences, functional to the description and interpretation of exogenous and endogenous geological processes and to the understanding of the theoretical, experimental and applied aspects of the evolutionary processes of the planet, of geomaterials and of the main applications of geology, also on an environmental sustainability perspective.

Programme contents

The degree programme covers the basic subjects and the main disciplines of the Geosciences, both fundamental and applied. The programme includes exercises in the Department's laboratories and numerous practical activities in the ground, the most important place of learning for the geologist. Students are expected to spend a period of internal or external training in local, national or international institutions, companies or professional offices. Agreements with foreign universities allow students to take part of the programme abroad.

Job opportunities

The general aim of the degree programme is to train graduates with a solid basic preparation in the Geosciences, who can continue their studies in the Master's degrees or enter the world of work, in the service, consultancy and industry fields. The professional areas of reference are those of operators specialised in the collection and management of geological data, in the monitoring of the environment, the territory and its resources, in the exploration, management and exploitation of natural resources, in laboratory analytical work on natural materials and geomaterials. After passing the state examination and enrolling in the professional register, Bachelor graduates may also exercise the profession of "Junior Geologist".

More information

Course Director:
Prof. Alessandro Corsini
tel. 059 2058460
Tutoring delegate:
Prof. Maurizio Mazzucchelli
tel. 059 2058477