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Technology / Master's degree programme
Electronics Engineering

General information for the a.y. 2024-2025

Disciplinary areaTechnology
Duration 2 years - 120 Credits
Admission Accesso Libero No limited access
Language Completely taught in English
Teaching method Lectures
Regulation Main Teaching Regulations
Access rules (in italian)Bando di ammissione al corso di Laurea Magistrale in lingua inglese a libero accesso in Electronics Engineering - Ingegneria Elettronica ( classe LM-29 ) per candidati italiani, comunitari ed extracomunitari regolarmente soggiornanti. A.A. 2024-2025
Call for Applications for the international Master’s Degree Programme in Electronics Engineering (Class LM-29)A.A. 2024/2025 RESERVED TO FOREIGN/INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS REQUIRING A VISA FOR ITALY

The course is managed by the "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering


Today it is very difficult to think of any machine, system or instrument that does not contain electronic components, but it is even more difficult to think about our life without the use of a "digital prosthesis" (the smartphone, for example, or "Internet of Things"). Enrolling in the Master's Degree Programme in Electronic Engineering means training for high-level careers in the industry, service, or research sectors in Italy and abroad. The degree programme in Electronics Engineering aims to train Master graduates both for the sector of industrial automation, and for the sector of new “smart and connected” technologies, by offering a study programme divided into two curricula: 1) Industrial Automation 2) Smart Connected Systems.

Programme contents

The Degree Programme allows students to further explore their general and specific engineering skills in one of the two curricula: “Industrial Automation” and “Smart and Connected Systems”. Students may also choose additional teachings on aspects they are interested in, by attending courses linked to the most innovative research. Classes are held in English and give students the opportunity to learn the technical jargon required for an easy access to the job market and international research. The final examination is an important experimental or design activity also developed jointly with international companies and research centres. The preparation that our students get is renowned for being a high-quality one: many engineers who have graduated in this Master's Programme now work for important European and US companies and centres.

Job opportunities

At the end of the study programme, students become Electronic Engineers, trained to design complex electronic systems, advanced components and circuits. The typical professional fields are those of innovation and development, advanced design, and management and control of electronic systems. Graduates may find a job in companies operating in the design and manufacturing of components, circuits and electronic systems, manufacturing industries, automation and automotive industries, public administration sectors, and service companies. In addition, graduates can continue their studies with Advanced Master Programme (2nd level) and / or PhD Programmes, especially in the ICT area. There is also the possibility of participating in the Double Degree programme with the Federal Technological University of Paraná (Brazil) to obtain a Master's degree valid in both Italy and Brazil.

More information

Course Director:
Prof. Luca Vincetti
tel. 059 2056189
Tutoring delegate:
Prof. Mattia Borgarino
tel. 0592056168