PhD program in Physics and nano sciences

XXXVIII cycle - a. y. 2022/2023

Duration 3 years
Position 12 position available - 11 scholarships
Director/Coordinator Prof. Marco Affronte
PhD website »
Nota 1st CALL: EXPIRED (2 selection procedures)

2nd CALL: no available places

3rd CALL: two selection procedures, each one for 1 place with scholarship on specific topic (expired)

4th CALL: (expired) Three selection procedures, each one for 1 place with scholarship on specific topic
Admission Expiration date 17/11/2022 at 13:00
Call for admission
Final ranking Published 30/11/2022
Enrollment deadline 07/12/2022 at 15:30:00

Scientific areas

FIS/01 (Experimental Physics), FIS/02 (Theoretical Physics, Mathematical Models and Methods), FIS/03 (Material Physics), FIS/07 [Applied Physics (Cultural Heritage, Environment, Biology and Medicine)], CHIM/02 (Physical Chemistry), CHIM/03 (General and Inorganic Chemistry), CHIM/06 (Organic Chemistry)

Admission requirements

Italian second level degree (laurea specialistica, under D.M. 509/99 or laurea magistrale, under D.M. 207/04) or Italian degree obtained prior to D.M. 509/99 or equivalent qualification obtained abroad.
More information available in the Call.


This interdisciplinary Course aims at learning developing and applying experimental techniques and advanced theoretical / computational methods for the study of matter and systems at the micro- and nanoscale. Further aspects of fundamental or applied Physics are also objectives of the Course. Doctoral students have access to local laboratories with advanced instrumentation (materials deposition, lithography, microscopy, spectroscopy, low temperature physics, biophysics) as well as to international facilities (synchrotrons, supercomputing, high magnetic field, electron microscopy) and they have the opportunity to participate at national / international research networks with stays abroad.

The aim of the course is to train researchers with specialized skills in key areas of physics and nanosciences in order to acquire the transversal knowledge useful for interacting with operators in multi-disciplinary sectors. The proposed training path is strongly interdisciplinary and it is open to students with different backgrounds (physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, etc.). The topics covered include: quantum sciences and technologies; nano-energy conversion systems; functional surfaces and nanostructured systems: fabrication and spectroscopy; physics of bio (nano) systems; functional molecules; graphene; nano-tribology; advanced computational theory and methods for nano-systems. The training course includes learning and the practice of advanced experimental techniques among which surface science, microscopy, low temperature physics and theoretical methods for the physics of correlated systems and fundamental interactions and computational techniques for high performance computing.

The training is aimed at obtaining the necessary skills for the access to the academic career and to the roles of researcher or technologist in Italian and foreign universities and research institutions, as well as management and executives in the sector of industry and services.


Three years (01/11/2022 - 31/10/2025)


The course venue is at Modena.


» Call for admission and changes

» Selection committees

» Final ranking

Based on a rigorous selection process, applications are processed normally once a year. The admissions will be open in June or July 2024 (please refer to the Calls).

More documentation

How to apply for the PhD Programmes (pdf)

How to apply for the Italian National PhD Program in Religious Studies (pdf)

Please complete the application form and submit it electronically following the application guide. A non-returnable administrative fee of 25 € will be charged. The decision on admission as well as on financial support is published on the web.

PhD Certificates and Self-certifications

PhD original diploma (Parchment)

Contact office

For further information please contact:
PhD Office
via Università, 4 - 41121 Modena
» Opening hours (italian only)