PhD program in Reggio Childhood Studies

XXXVIII cycle - a. y. 2022/2023

Duration 3 years
Position 9 position available - 7 scholarships
Director/Coordinator Prof.ssa Carla Bagnoli
PhD website »
Nota (Expired) One selection precedure.
Admission Expiration date 28/07/2022 at 13:00
Call for admission
Final ranking Published 07/09/2022
Enrollment deadline 14/09/2022 at 15:30:00

Scientific areas

M-PSI/04 (Psychology of Development and Psychology of Education), SPS/08 (Sociology of Culture and Communication), M-STO/04 (Contemporary History), M-STO/07 (History of Christianity and the Churches), M-PED/01 (Pedagogy, Theories of Education and Social Education), M-PED/02 (History of Pedagogy), M-PED/03 (Special Didactics and Pedagogy), M-PED/04 (Experimental Pedagogy), SPS/09 (Sociology of Economics and Labour), M-FIL/01 (Theoretical Philosophy), M-FIL/04 (Aesthetics), MED/38 (General and Specialised Pediatrics), MED/39 (Child Neuropsychiatry), SECS-P/08 (Corporate Finance), ICAR/13 (Industrial Design), L-LIN/02 (Didactics of Modern Languages), MAT/04 (Mathematics Education and History of Mathematics), BIO/05 (Zoology)

Admission requirements

Italian second level degree (laurea specialistica, under D.M. 509/99 or laurea magistrale, under D.M. 207/04) or Italian degree obtained prior to D.M. 509/99 or equivalent qualification obtained abroad.
More information available in the Call.


Description of the course
Doctoral course in Reggio Childhood Studies - from early childhood to lifelong learning

The Department of Education and Human Sciences of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and the Reggio Children Foundation – Loris Malaguzzi Centre, promote the PhD in Reggio Childhood Studies. The PhD course is enriched by international partners of recognized quality in terms of research, which takes place within the "industrial" framework of the Foundation itself, so as to develop research projects that elaborate the educational experience and faces the new challenges of the educational world.

The approach and contents, the practice and the policies, the figures and intuition, the challenges and developments related to the educational philosophy for early childhood developed in Reggio Emilia constitute a heritage of great international relevance. As industrial doctorate, the course in Reggio Childhood Studies offers an innovation in the framework of doctorates, as it constitutes a residential community that offers to the PhD fellows to share spaces and working hours in the industrial context provided by the Reggio Children Foundation – Loris Malaguzzi Centre.

Professional perspectives

The PhDs in Reggio Childhood Studies will be able to become leading figures in the design, organization and pedagogical coordination of childcare services. They will also be able to work as pedagogical consultants in the public and private sector. Furthermore, they can become consultants for Public Administrations and in the private sector. They will be able to work as researchers and evaluators in centers and projects dedicated to pedagogical and psycho-pedagogical research. They will be able to find professional outlets within public and private, national and international centers, which promote in various ways the approach to education in the city of Reggio Emilia, both in the educational services for children and in subsequent levels of education.

Another professional outlet can be found in academic research, at national and international level.


Three years (01/11/2022 - 31/10/2025)


The course venue is at Reggio Emilia.


» Call for admission and changes

» Selection committees

» Final ranking

Based on a rigorous selection process, applications are processed normally once a year. The admissions will be open in June or July 2024 (please refer to the Calls).

More documentation

How to apply for the PhD Programmes (pdf)

How to apply for the Italian National PhD Program in Religious Studies (pdf)

Please complete the application form and submit it electronically following the application guide. A non-returnable administrative fee of 25 € will be charged. The decision on admission as well as on financial support is published on the web.

PhD Certificates and Self-certifications

PhD original diploma (Parchment)

Contact office

For further information please contact:
PhD Office
via Università, 4 - 41121 Modena
» Opening hours (italian only)