PhD program in Neurosciences

XXXII cycle - a. y. 2016/2017

Duration 3 years
Position 8 position available - 6 scholarships
Director/Coordinator prof. Michele Zoli
PhD website »
Nota The course is activated by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in agreement with the University of Parma.
Admission Expiration date 30/06/2016 at 13:00
Call for admission
Final ranking Published 20/09/2016
Enrollment deadline 30/09/2016 at 11:00:00

Scientific areas

BIO/05 (Zoology), BIO/09 (Physiology), BIO/11 (Molecular Biology), BIO/13 (Applied Biology), BIO/14 (Pharmacology), MED/25 (Psychiatry), MED/26 (Neurology), M-PSI/01 (General Psychology), ING-INF/06 (Electronic and Information Bioengineering)

Admission requirements

Italian second level degree (laurea specialistica, under D.M. 509/99 or laurea magistrale, under D.M. 207/04) or Italian degree obtained prior to D.M. 13 509/99 or equivalent qualification obtained abroad.
More information available in the Call.


The course is activated by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in agreement with the University of Parma. For the XXXII cycle, the administrative office is the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Students will be placed in the research groups of the two partner universities according to the seat of the supervisor (tutor) that will be assigned by the Faculty Board.

The PhD School in Neurosciences aims at the preparation of researchers with a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach of the various aspects of neuroscience and behavioral sciences, providing a high degree of specialization in research in these areas.
In parallel, a multidisciplinary training will be offered in order to give a unitary view of the problems that the doctor of neuroscience will face in practice.
Specific training is achieved by associating the PhD student to a research group which where he/she will learn all the necessary technical and manual skills to develop specific research line in their chosen field. The part of training that ensures each student multidisciplinary training is carried out both on a personal basis and through different types of integrated educational activities for acquisition of knowledge of the problems and specific research techniques of the various fields of the PhD School (molecular neurobiology , neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, neurophysiology, cognitive neuroscience, behavioral science and cognitive psychology). The doctorate aims to place the student in a network of relationships and exchanges among the participating groups and research facilities and top-level national and international training and research centers, and with public and private entities. Work periods abroad are encouraged.

• Study of the central nervous system in rodents, non-human primates and humans, using techniques of neuroanatomy, neuropharmacology, molecular biology, electrophysiology, behavioral analysis and brain imaging
• Study of cognition, with particular interest in social cognition in rodents, non-human primates and humans, through the use of molecular biology techniques, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, neuroanatomy, behavioral techniques, single neuron recording in animal model and in brain activity in humans using brain imaging techniques and stimulation of brain activity
• Study of neural correlates of neurological and psychiatric pathologies such as dementia, epilepsy, sleep disorders, autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia and drug addiction
• Study of acoustic communication of bony fishes in fresh and brackish water
• Study of behavioral development in the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus): Effects of hormonal environmental pollutants (endocrine disrupters) and steroid hormones
• Study of animal models of psychopathology: genetic (molecular polymorphisms, KO mice) and environmental bases (development, chronic social stress) of anxiety, depression and metabolic abnormalities
• Study of domestic dog behavior and its relationship with humans: attachment, social cognition, temperament and wellness
• Ethological and psychobiological analysis of human agonistic behavior in different sports
• Behavioral analysis of sexual dysfunctions in human patients and in animal models

Career opportunities include:
- Basic researcher (employment: academic or industrial research).
- Researcher in neurology, psychologist or neuropsychologist (employment: academic, healthcare or industrial research).
- Medical or pharmaceutical biologist or biotechnologist (employment: applied research, planning and consulting in academic, healthcare or industrial domains).


Three years (01/11/2016 - 31/10/2019)


Students will be placed in the research groups of the two partner universities according to the seat of the supervisor (tutor) that will be assigned by the Faculty Board.


» Call for admission and changes

» Selection committees

» Final ranking

Based on a rigorous selection process, applications are processed normally once a year. The admissions will be open in June or July 2024 (please refer to the Calls).

More documentation

How to apply for the PhD Programmes (pdf)

How to apply for the Italian National PhD Program in Religious Studies (pdf)

Please complete the application form and submit it electronically following the application guide. A non-returnable administrative fee of 25 € will be charged. The decision on admission as well as on financial support is published on the web.

PhD Certificates and Self-certifications

PhD original diploma (Parchment)

Contact office

For further information please contact:
PhD Office
via Università, 4 - 41121 Modena
» Opening hours (italian only)