Faculty of Medicine and Surgery

Main address
Presidenza c/o Centro Servizi
via del Pozzo, 71
41124 - Modena (Italy)
tel. 059 422 4373
email segrpres@unimore.it

Web site
» www.medicina.unimore.it
Prof. Michele Zoli


The study of medicine at the University of Modena can be dated back to the 1300s, just after its foundation. The founding fathers of this discipline in Modena were - just to mention some of the most distinguished scientists - Bernardino Ramazzini, Annibale Francesco Torti and Scarpa. On the basis of this tradition, the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery has always enjoyed national and international recognition and prestige, as recently confirmed by numerous scientific collaborations with some of the world’s leading institutes. For many years the training provided by the Faculty has also been held in the Polo Hospital of the New Civil Hospital Sant’Agostino-Estense Baggiovara and in the Arcispedale at the Hospital S. Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia. These hospitals, Baggiovara Modena and Reggio Emilia, are sites that allow for the integration of practical tasks associated with care alongside training and research.
Teaching is mainly delivered at the Educational Services Center. Located at the University Hospital of Modena the building is a centre of excellence, being well resourced with technological equipment, and offering a wide variety of services. However, teaching and training also take place in the wards of the hospitals and, most importantly, in clinical practices. In fact, there are a number of students in the research laboratories of the various departments, who aim at discovering the therapies of the future. This indicates the level of integration that exists between the time spent practising and the time spent researching. Recent innovative experiences introduced by the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, include the organisation of training courses held outside of the hospitals, in particular at the clinics of general practitioners and other institutions in the Modena and Reggio Emilia area, such as clinics, nursing homes and other agencies with private facilities. The Faculty provides teaching, services and research opportunities that will accompany future graduates throughout their university and professional career.

Degree Courses for the a.y. 2024-2025

Bachelor's Degree programmes

Accesso Programmato Biomedical Laboratory Techniques
Accesso Programmato Cardiocirculatory and Cardiovascular Perfusion Techniques
Accesso Programmato Dental Hygiene
Accesso Programmato Dietetics
Corso tenuto in inglese Accesso Libero Digital Education
Accesso Programmato Health care
Accesso Programmato Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques
Accesso Programmato Midwifery
Accesso Programmato Nursing - Modena
Accesso Programmato Nursing - Reggio Emilia
Accesso Programmato Occupational Therapy
Accesso Programmato Physiotherapy
Accesso Programmato Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technique
Corso tenuto in inglese Accesso Programmato Psychological Sciences and Techniques
Accesso Programmato Speech and Language Therapy

Single-cycle Master's Degree programmes

Accesso Programmato Dentistry and Dental Prosthodontics
Accesso Programmato Medicine and Surgery

Master's Degree programmes

Accesso Libero Bioengineering for innovation in medicine
Accesso Programmato Health and sport
Accesso Programmato Nursing and Midwifery Sciences
Accesso Programmato Nursing and Midwifery Sciences (with orientation towards territorial and community assistance)

More information

More information about the dipartments are available on the italian page.
